Did Curiosity Really Kill the Cat?
Over the summer I read “Inquiry Mindset” by Trevor Mackenzie
and “The Power of Inquiry” by Kath Murdoch. I was totally inspired to start
this type of learning with my students and I could see real opportunities for
co-teaching in my current role as Teacher-Librarian. After consultation with my
school’s administration, I have decided to divide the year and my time for support
and co-teaching between grade level groups, starting with the grade 7 team. Have
I ever taught grade 7? No! Do I remember much about the curriculum? No! Does
this bother me? Not really. Thankfully, there are 4 more teachers on the team
who are the curriculum experts. My role is different in this situation. My role
is to provide support to teachers in this journey to learn more about inquiry.
Here are some key words and questions that I would like to
explore in literature searches: Which type
of inquiry should be explored in a French Immersion grade 7 classroom? How
to craft an essential question that captures the students’ curiosity? What
are the four pillars of Inquiry? How to foster a spirit of collaboration
and communication between students and teachers? And of course, what about assessment?
The digital platforms currently being used to support learning
from home in our division are Edbsy and Microsoft Teams. Part of my job
includes providing support for teachers not familiar with these platforms. As I
recently made the switch from an elementary to middle school, Microsoft Teams
and Edsby are relatively new to me. I would like to explore these two platforms
as a way to “Dive Into Inquiry” (another book by Trevor Mackenzie) with the
grade 7 students and teachers. I feel that this will have the most benefits for
my current role. With the current COVID situation in Winnipeg, it is a very
real possibility that students and staff could be sent home if there is a case
in the school. Having access and experience using these two platforms would be
an excellent way to jumpstart learning from home.
Join me in this learning journey as I explore if curiosity
really killed the cat.
This is a good first post. I appreciate your narrative structure and personal connections. You have an excellent title and your post is engaging to read. I can tell that you are passionate about the topic you have chosen to explore. I look forward to following your journey. For your next post, you may want to include some multimedia elements such as images, links, or videos. These add another layer to your post and further enhance the reading experience for your audience.