
Showing posts from February, 2022

Theme 2 Reflection

Well I turned 40 today, or as a good friend said, it's the 20th anniversary of my 20th birthday.  Rather than post my top 40 reflections on theme 2, I decided to test out a web maker for this blog post. Click on the following  mindmup  for my big take-aways from this theme.  Image thumbnail In some parts of the country, the 3rd Monday of February is known as Family Day. In Manitoba, we celebrate the life and legacy of Louis Riel. This can be a challenging theme for French Immersion TL's. Finding appropriate French reference sources for a topic that is unique to Manitoba requires definite knowledge of the curriculum and an understanding of the needs of the students and teachers.  Resource-based teaching is successful when students are engaged in a meaningful use of a wide-range of resources. I created this Padlet as a way to showcase the online resources offered by the division.  How will I know that the suggested resources were effective? In addition ...

The Answer Lies Within

  My Big Take-Aways from Theme 1 Source   Teacher-Librarians wear many hats, including that of “information specialist”.  “An information professional or information specialist is someone who collects, records, organizes, stores, preserves, retrieves, and disseminates printed or digital information. The service delivered to the client is known as an information service.” (Greer, 12). In the above list of duties of the information specialist, there is no mention of “providing the answers to the questions”.  Source This may come as a shock to some of my clients (middle years students) who are looking for a quick answer to their research question.  My usual response is, “the answer lies within”, (use of theatrical voice and dramatic pointing to resource is necessary for full effect).  Although no doubt an Oscar-worthy performance, I need to consider the following: Students are developing their basic and more specifically, information literacy skills. Click ...