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My Final Vision Project Create something to help students choose a French book and foster a French reading culture Why do students need help choosing a French book? Katherine A. McClellan sums up my experience perfectly in an excerpt from her master’s thesis. I completed my schooling in French immersion, and as a child, I too was very resistant to reading in French. I remember discussing with my friends that French books were bad, making such broad statements as “I don’t like reading in French.” Looking back, I’m not sure it was necessarily that I didn’t like reading in the French language, but more that I wasn’t finding books that peaked my interest that were written in French. (MCCLELLAN, 2009) How do you foster a French reading culture when the library is closed? To answer this question, I’m going back to my previous post and to my beliefs about fostering a French reading culture. The key to get students to “buy into” reading in French is all about peaking t...