
Showing posts from September, 2020

Let the learning begin!

We know that kids need to “buy into” the assignment to be motivated. So how do we create assignments that inspire students? I believe that using inquiry-based techniques in and out of the classroom (in the case of remote-learning), are essential to fueling the fire of interest-based learning. In my first blog post, I identified a few key words and questions that I would use as plan for my learning. They are as follows: One question that I should have included is quite simply, what is Inquiry ? Inquiry teaching is still quite new to some of the teachers that I will be working with. I decided that I first would need to provide an explanation and a “hook” for teachers to buy into the idea. This is a TedTalk video by Kath Murdoch (author of The Power of Inquiry) that gives teachers an idea of what is inquiry-based learning without being overwhelming. It is inspirational. Which type of inquiry should be explored in a French Immersion gr...
 Did Curiosity Really Kill the Cat? Over the summer I read “Inquiry Mindset” by Trevor Mackenzie and “The Power of Inquiry” by Kath Murdoch. I was totally inspired to start this type of learning with my students and I could see real opportunities for co-teaching in my current role as Teacher-Librarian. After consultation with my school’s administration, I have decided to divide the year and my time for support and co-teaching between grade level groups, starting with the grade 7 team. Have I ever taught grade 7? No! Do I remember much about the curriculum? No! Does this bother me? Not really. Thankfully, there are 4 more teachers on the team who are the curriculum experts. My role is different in this situation. My role is to provide support to teachers in this journey to learn more about inquiry. Here are some key words and questions that I would like to explore in literature searches:   Which type of inquiry should be explored in a French Immersion grade 7 classroom? Ho...


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