Let the learning begin!
We know that kids need to “buy into” the assignment to be motivated. So how do we create assignments that inspire students? I believe that using inquiry-based techniques in and out of the classroom (in the case of remote-learning), are essential to fueling the fire of interest-based learning. In my first blog post, I identified a few key words and questions that I would use as plan for my learning. They are as follows: One question that I should have included is quite simply, what is Inquiry ? Inquiry teaching is still quite new to some of the teachers that I will be working with. I decided that I first would need to provide an explanation and a “hook” for teachers to buy into the idea. This is a TedTalk video by Kath Murdoch (author of The Power of Inquiry) that gives teachers an idea of what is inquiry-based learning without being overwhelming. It is inspirational. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFt15Ig64Yg Which type of inquiry should be explored in a French Immersion gr...