
Showing posts from March, 2022

Theme 3 Reflection

This last theme has me wondering about “old vs new.” My kids always ask me about what life was like when I was a kid or my parents or my 94-year-old grandma. The differences between myself and my parents' upbringing are not huge. However, when comparing my kids and my grandma, the differences are stark.  My grandma was born in the final years of the Depression.  She has experienced the Second World War, Trudeau Mania, the Civil Rights movements, etc. She became a mother at age 19, had 5 children in quick succession but chose to go to Teacher College because she wanted a career. She’s an accomplished cook and baker. She can sew, knit, crochet, scrapbook, can vegetables like no other. She probably learned to do those things early in life as radio and good conversation were the only source of entertainment.  It makes me wonder about my own children. What skills do they have and how does their childhood compare to my grandma’s? I often hear my children complain that they are ...