Gaining Perspective

Literacy and Internet Access in Developing Countries I loved this week’s assignment. It got me thinking about things other than what is currently going on around me. Teachers are running at full capacity. Homeroom classes are now split into two rooms and the teacher is going back and forth between them. He or she is also teaching students remotely providing 90 minutes of face to face learning time per day. It is definitely a very interesting time to be a teacher! I am truly overwhelmed by the dedication of staff to meet the needs of the students. Room To Read I find that thinking of others during hard times can be a good way of gaining perspective. My research led me to learning about John Wood, a former executive from Microsoft and Room to Read, an international literacy nonprofit organization. In a nutshell, I love what Room to Read is doing. “It builds bilingual libraries, schools, and computer labs in developing countries. The organization also collects donations of English-langu...